Friday, August 14, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife Movie

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Curious about how a Time Traveler can love someone but can't control himself of Time Traveling? This is what will make you watch The Time Traveler's Wife online movie or in cinemas.

Seriously! I have been checking to see the trailer for months now. She is a pretty significant character to the book. I think the cast is awesome...that is a perfect version of Henry in my mind. Anyways I hope its good. Reading the book for the first time I thought it would make an awesome movie, when I read it again I thought wow this has got a lot of character development that is sometimes skipped over when making a film.

Now let's head over and watch The Time Traveler's Wife movie online free streaming preview:

My partner and I are working on this book for our term paper, and it is a very good novel indeed. I hope the movie will turn out to be as good as how the novel is.


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